The host held up a glass and asked the audience: "You guess how many cups heavy country"
"It all depends on the conversation he held it in long words" "Yes, if I plug it in a minute, nothing is noi.Nhung if I plug it in my hand an hour if I will moi.Con plug it in one day, you will have to call an ambulance for a mass toi.Cung, yet take it the longer it becomes more heavily "
On.If life and we continuously bear the brunt, it will become sooner or later brooch trong.Khong we also broke down. "What you have to do is: put the glass down to take a rest and went back to pick it up "
Sometimes we must know the life burden placed down, spread the rest brought no strength to continue in the next lifetime theo.Khi you get home, toss anxiety cua.Ngay work out you'll pick it up tomorrow and continue to bring.
And now: the entertainment and relax!